Make a Habit / Break a Habit - Intense Health and Wellbeing Course
Next course planned April 2024
The Course
In 2022 I ran an experimental 16 week course using my own experiences and techniques with one underlying method.
Make a Habit, Break a Habit
By targeting habits rather than concentrating on more specifics like diet and exercise I was able to train people to make better choices, Choices that become habits. The course started with 16 people. 13 finished the course and they were male and females aged between 21 and 71. The course had the following results and all this is fully documented.
The group of 13 people lost a combined weight of just over 10 stone
The average fitness level improved by 25%
All participants reported improved scores in terms of confident and more importantly their mental health.
This 8 week course will use the same methods as the pilot one and will involve:
Two regular sessions per week targeted at the group (free access to the main bootcamp as well)
One to one mentoring
Food and health mentoring - support with recipe ideas if wanted (but this is not about dieting)
Base line fitness measuring (so that we can access improved fitness levels from the start of the course to the end of it)
Group support through dedicated what’s app group
7 days a week access to me for advice and support
Individual lifestyle assessment and check - so we can look at where habits can be targeted
What is required / additional info?
Commitment from you and a willingness to take on advice and engage fully with the program
The cost is £100 per month payable each month in advance
The course will be restricted to 15 people with the core number minimum of 10 people.
IINTERESTED? - email andy@militarybootcampfitness.co.uk and register your name and contact details and I will get in touch.
Inclusive and Fun
Fitness session suitable for all ages and abilities. Walk or run you can Bootcamp!

Personal Training
If you prefer to have one to one personal training and want to target a particular sport or event then I can help.
PT sessions are outdoors and are £35 an hour or buy 4 for £120.